NAME: Christine Hadden
BLOG: Fascination with FearAREA OF EXPERTISE:
Wow, I can't say it's any one thing. I hate restraints and boundaries.
But I guess I am extra into vampires, for one thing. That doesn't sideline everything else for me - I could never just write about vampires, I'm too broad-minded. I also love making lists, as anyone who visits my site can become aware of pretty quickly. As far as horror literature, I tend to read almost exclusively vampire novels, or at least I have for a few years now since there is so much available. I will occasionally sneak in a straight forward horror novel if the mood strikes, but with movies - I take all kinds. (Re-makes aren't really my thing, but I still watch them - it's inevitable these days.) I do seem to like a lot of foreign horror - seems America has trouble keeping up. I also am extra fond of quiet, slow-burning, pot-boiling horror such as Session 9 or Dead Birds.
Fascination With Fear has been online since March of 2008. I started it because I feared horror would completely encompass my other blog - and alot of my family (sadly) doesn't want to read about how gory and offensive (in a good way, of course) 'Inside' was. So FWF was the result. Now I post more on FWF than I ever do on my other blog. As for me, I work on the administrative side of medicine during the day, and feed my hunger for horror at all other times! I've been into horror since I was small. Books first of course, starting with super tame The Hardy Boys series and moving up to reading The Shining under the covers with a flashlight at age ten. Then quickly after came movies - Friday the 13th and The Exorcist set me off on the right foot. As a teen I also frequently frightened myself by exploring empty old houses and sleeping in cornfields, among other things. At this point, if I wasn't married I'd be watching nothing but horror movies - but the hubby puts his foot down occasionally. I love everything about horror, and the internet has been the best thing invented to feed my addiction. Horror on the internet is a wonderful thing.
NAME: Rhonny Reaper
BLOG: Dollar Bin HorrorAREA OF EXPERTISE: Mostly older
horror films (especially Price Films XD ) and some mainstream (Chucky,
Saw, stuff like that), Horror Books (Especially King) and well anything you can find cheap ('cause I'm always broke.)

Dollar Bin Horror is the blog for horror fans on a budget. It's lets it's readers know that you don't have to spend $20 to see a good
horror film. I post films and books that can be found in almost any local dollar store, grocery market dollar section, or thrift store for a buck or less and some can be download for free legally (links provided). I also interview up-and-coming people in horror and give them exposure they may not get elsewhere. Dollar Bin Horror is around 5-6 months old.
NAME: The Dive Mistress
BLOG: ZOMBOTS!AREA OF EXPERTISE: Pop culture and how horror movies are approached, studied, and recieved by academia, the media, and the public.

Zombots began in 2007 with a review of a horror movie-themed episode of CSI. I followed that up with a post about
Out for Justice, the first DVD in a Steven Segal box set I bought my roommate. Today Zombots is a collection of genre movie and TV reviews, some short essays about horror culture, a few other horror-y odds and ends. Initially schooled in film, I take a quasi-academic approach to writing my posts. I'm particularly interested in horror in pop culture and how horror movies are approached, studied, and recieved by academia, the media, and the public. There's no one kind of horror movie I gravitate toward--my tastes are all over the map--but I try to watch and review some lesser-known titles. In addition to blogging, I co-host a horror podcast with my friend Count Vardulon. He and I have been disagreeing with each other since high school, and in 2008 we decided it would be a good idea to record our conversations and air them for the world to hear. I have seen every John Carpenter movie to date.